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Conversion formula for coal calorific value (coal calorific value)
Qgr. daf (MJ/kg)=31.45+1.09Hdaf
Anthracite and bituminous coal with Vdaf less than 24%:
Bituminous coal:
Hdaf=2.888+0.392 (√ Vdaf) -0.0023Ad
Lignite: Hdaf=0.835Vdaf+1.206
In the formula:
Hdaf=Hard × {100/(100 Ma d Aad)} Dry ash free hydrogen content%
Vdaf=Vad × {100/(100 Ma d Aad)} Dry ash free base volatile matter yield%
Aad=(m1/m) × one hundred
Among them: m1- mass of residue, g;
M - mass of air dried coal sample, g;
Vad=(m1/m) × 100% volatile matter yield of air dried coal sample
Mad=(m1/m) × 100% moisture yield of air dried coal sample
Among them: m1-- Mass lost after coal sample drying, g;
M - mass of air dried coal sample, g;
Ad=Aad × 100/(100 Ma d) dry coal sample ash yield%;
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